Please read the Terms and Conditions set forth here carefully.


The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship for the purchase and sale of cosmetic products, born between the provider and the user at the time the user accepts the corresponding box during the online contracting process. The contractual sales relationship entails the delivery, in exchange for a specific price publicly displayed through the website, of the product selected by the user. Acceptance of the conditions of sale The Client, via email confirming their purchase order, unconditionally accepts and undertakes to comply with the general and payment conditions in their relations with the virtual store, stating that they have read and accepted all the instructions that were given in the terms of the aforementioned regulations, and also take into account that the virtual store itself is only bound to the conditions previously established in writing. Customer Obligations: The General Conditions of Sale must be examined ON THIS WEBSITE by Customers before confirming their purchases. Therefore, sending the order confirmation implies absolute knowledge of these General Conditions of Sale and its total acceptance. The Client undertakes, once the online purchase process has been completed, to print and keep these general conditions of sale, already read and accepted during the purchase process carried out, to fully comply with Spanish Law.

The Client will be solely responsible, exonerating the provider as appropriate, for any damage resulting from improper use, storage, conservation or manipulation of the Products; particularly when you have not observed the indications, warnings or instructions that the provider may have provided in this regard.

Any information about the Products (including, for example, technical or other instructions and advice, advertising indications, technical specifications, their functions, their classification for the purposes of export and import controls, their uses or their compliance with legal or other requirements) are provided by the provider "as is", without the provider assuming any responsibility or guarantee for the same. Such information is not part of the properties of the Product. Provider makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the Product information, and ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER IN RELATION TO ANY PRODUCT INFORMATION. ICG recommends that the Client validate any information relating to the Product before any use or action based on such information. All Product information is subject to change without prior notice. The provider also does not assume any responsibility for typographical or other errors, or for possible omissions in product information.

Hiring Procedure: The hiring procedure may be carried out only in the Spanish language. In order to purchase the products offered on the web address, you must enter your identification data: name, surname, address, email and telephone number or if you are already a registered customer, you will only have to enter your user code and password ("Access"). If you are not yet registered and wish to register, you can do so from "My account" or "Access" at the link and thus obtain a user password and a password that will be used for subsequent transactions you make on our website. Both the username and password will be chosen by the user. The user undertakes to make diligent use of them, and not make them available to third parties, as well as to notify the provider of their loss or theft or of possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that the latter proceeds to the immediate blocking. The user may only choose as a username a corresponding and appropriate email address, as well as one of his or her ownership, with the user assuming this responsibility. This email may not be used in order to confuse with others by identifying the latter as an integral member of the provider, as well as profanity, insulting expressions and, in general, contrary to the law or the demands of morality and good customs.

In the event that you forget your password, to be able to access your account again, you must: Access the website/My Account/ Access /Forgot my password and enter the email address associated with the account and click "Send" You will receive an email with a link that will take you to a page where you can enter a new password Once the user account has been created, you are informed that in accordance with the requirements of article 27 of Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the contracting procedure will follow the following steps: - To place an order it is necessary to connect to, or register as a user, or purchase as a guest by completing the electronic form that appears at all times on the store's website and following the instructions detailed therein. To proceed with the purchase of products, you must add the product you wish to purchase to the basket, according to the instructions on the screen, completing for this purpose the order form provided and validating it. The prices and offers presented on the website are valid only and exclusively for online orders made at The published prices are valid except in cases of typographical error or lack of stock. The prices shown for the products include VAT. Shipping costs are NOT included in the product. If they exist, they will be reflected in the cart as they are added and in the total price before proceeding to pay for the order. Packaging is included in the price unless expressly indicated.

ICG may modify the sales prices of the Products at any time. The increase in the sales price will not affect those orders for Products in progress, which have been previously accepted by ICG. In the event that the Client places an order for Products with an incorrect price, ICG will communicate the correct price and, in the case of acceptance to place the order, provided that the Client expressly confirms it (with the correct price), will send the order within 24 - 72 hours. Prices are subject to change at any time. The prices only express the value of the Products and do not include shipping costs, shipping or customs duties, nor any other type of charges or costs, such as those related to the special packaging and labeling of the Products, permits, certificates, declarations and customs records (collectively, the "Additional Costs"). Additional Costs will be borne by the Client.


The registered user may have access to their customer file at any time through user identification and authentication and password, to an order history, and personal data uploaded to "My Account", which they may modify or cancel at any time. except for the mandatory fields for the correct provision of the contracted service, and marked with an asterisk indicating the mandatory nature of the product selected by the user. The provider will keep a copy of the order and this acceptance of these conditions, being only accessible by personnel authorized by the provider, and only in cases necessary for verification purposes. The user, upon prior request to the provider, by email to the address:, or postal mail (C/ Alcalde Jesús Prieto, 5 28907 El Bercial (Getafe) (Spain) may have access to the aforementioned Additionally, through the aforementioned means, the status of the order as well as its evolution (implementation) can be verified. Our warehouse will be considered the delivery location for all transactions.


ICG guarantees the quality and reliability of the products for a period indicated by the expiration of the product, ending this when the merchandise has been modified, manipulated or disassembled, since any modification is understood to be made under the responsibility of the customer. The warranty does not cover breakdowns caused by wear, improper use, inadequate working conditions and/or failure to observe any other recommended installation and maintenance instructions.

Modification of the General Conditions of Sale. Taking into account possible evolutions of the WEBSITE, ICG reserves the right to adapt or modify these general conditions of sale at any time. The new general conditions of sale will be accessible by the customer through the website and will only be applied to sales after the modification. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction. These conditions will be governed or interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation in that which is not expressly established. The provider and the user agree to submit any controversy that may arise from the provision of the products or services that are the subject of these Conditions, to the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of Madrid.

Guarantees and after-sales services will be governed by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, which approves the text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users. In accordance with this rule, the seller is obliged to deliver to the consumer and user products that comply with the contract, answering to him for any lack of conformity. The consumer and user has the right to repair the product, replace it or terminate the contract.


ICG could not be considered responsible for non-compliance with the contract concluded in the event of stock out or unavailability of the product, force majeure, disturbance or total or partial strike, in particular, of postal services and means of transport and/or communications, flood or fire. In case of dispute, the member will contact ICG as a priority to obtain an amicable solution.

The Courts of Madrid are the only ones competent. These general conditions of sale will be interpreted in the Spanish language and will be carried out in accordance with Spanish law. Any disagreement that may arise regarding its validity, interpretation or execution will be submitted to the Courts of Madrid, to which exclusive jurisdiction is expressly assigned.


ICG reserves the right to modify the general conditions of sale without prior notice, and may change, delete or add both the content and services provided through it and the way in which these appear to be presented or located on its servers.

These changes must be accepted by the User each time a purchase is made through the website

Members of the "ICG Private Community" who do not agree with the modifications to the general conditions must notify them and, as of the date on which the new version comes into effect, must stop using the ICG services. In the event that any of the terms of the general conditions are illegal or taxable, it will be null and void and what has been agreed by the parties will apply and, failing that, what is stated in the Spanish Civil Code.


An order is not final until it is accepted by the online store. All liability of ICG for damages caused by defects in the Products is excluded, except when it is expressly obliged to do so by virtue of applicable mandatory law. Thus, ICG will not be responsible for damages such as indirect damages, loss of profits, loss of production or profits. In any case, if ICG is obliged to assume any liability for damages and losses suffered by the Client, it will be limited to an amount equivalent to the amount corresponding to the order of the Product causing the damage, unless an applicable mandatory law imposes on ICG a higher quantitative limit.

We ask our customers to understand that the virtual store will reject any request for refund or replacement (due to the right of withdrawal/revocation) of products having been accepted at the time of delivery. The right of withdrawal/revocation remains valid in the event that problems beyond ICG's control are observed after delivery and in accordance with the terms provided by law.

To the extent permitted by applicable laws, neither ICG nor its employees or agents will be liable, and the Client will not be entitled to claim, for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, nor for any consequential damages or lost profits, that could be caused; for example, they will not be responsible for reductions in profits or income, loss of data, interruptions in use, rework, additional manufacturing costs, damage to good reputation, or loss of customers.


To make your purchases in our store or access certain services, you must register your personal data and choose a password that will allow you to access all those areas that require prior identification. This will prevent you from having to fill them out again in the future. At the moment you register on our secure server or place an order, your personal data, address details, and those related to your payment method are incorporated into our database, used only to process the order, as well as to send information about offers and services that may be of interest to you if you accept this service in the data collection form. At any time you can modify the data in your customer record (change of address, telephone, etc.). In accordance with our guarantee of security and confidentiality, at ICG, we are especially interested in offering our clients the highest level of security and protecting the confidentiality of the data they provide us. We have a system of on-screen warnings that identify errors made when entering data and allow the client to correct them at any time. The data corresponding to the contracted product or service is archived electronically and customers can access it at any time. If at any time you have problems accessing any part of our website, it may be due to the model or version of your browser or the configuration of its options. If you have any questions regarding the operation of our purchasing system, call us at 910101515. We will be happy to serve you.

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, as a client of INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC, you may at any time exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by communicating it by ( Ref. RGPD) written to C/ Alcalde Jesús Prieto, 5 28907 El Bercial (Getafe) or through our email address:


Below is the contractual document that will govern the contracting of products through the websites owned by the entity INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC GROUP, (hereinafter called "Provider"). Acceptance of this document means that the user:

  • You've read, you understand and you're agree with this text.
  • That is a person with sufficient capacity to hire.
  • That assumes all the obligations set forth herein.

These conditions will have an indefinite period of validity and will be applicable to all contracts made through the web domain:, of the provider, with the peculiarities established in each case, in the Particular Conditions section.

The provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Conditions, without this affecting the goods or services that were acquired prior to the modification. Identification of the parties on the one hand, the supplier of the goods contracted by the user is INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC GROUP C/ Alcalde Jesús Prieto, 5 28907 El Bercial (Getafe) CIF: E-86810959, carries out the sale and distribution of the products offered in this service. Sales operations will be understood to be carried out at the ADDRESS.

And on the other hand, the User, registered on the website through an email and password or the buyer as a guest, over which he or she has full responsibility for use and custody, being responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to the provider.