5 anti-aging ingredients that your skin needs now!

5 anti-aging ingredients your skin needs now!

Maria Teresa Moneo

When we talk about anti-aging ingredients, the research is very clear: Antioxidants are king, not only do they fight harmful free radicals responsible for the signs of aging, but they also improve the effectiveness of sunscreens in preventing damage. solar.

In fact, during the day, the combination of antioxidants along with a sunscreen is the strongest defense we can give our skin and is an effective combination to treat skin aging when we talk about; improve skin quality, reduce expression lines and wrinkles, achieve luminosity, blur blemishes and reduce uneven tone. At night, the dose of antioxidants promotes cell renewal and self-repair of the skin.

Connection between wrinkles and antioxidants

When we are young, our skin is loaded with antioxidants that naturally protect us from cellular oxidation caused by harmful free radicals.

Mainly due to sun damage and also other factors such as pollution, the passage of time, menopause, and even the use of irritating products... the skin loses its natural ability to produce antioxidants.

If we do not achieve sufficient antioxidant protection, whether from that produced by our own body, from dietary sources or through the topical application of products formulated with antioxidants, free radicals cause breaks in the supporting fibers of collagen and elastin, in addition They are harmful damage causing cellular oxidation, reducing the skin's ability to stay healthy and young.

What is the best antioxidant?

There are hundreds of antioxidants that are in fashion, however, the key is to provide a variety of antioxidants with the aim of treating the skin safely, offering a cocktail of powerful concentrates of stable antioxidant ingredients that are supported by scientific research.

The skin obtains its maximum benefit when several antioxidants are applied together, in the same way that it is healthier to consume more of a variety of fruits and vegetables than just apples or broccoli.

Research shows that there are dozens of effective antioxidants, but also reveals a short list of some tested antioxidants that better address anti-aging concerns.

The most researched and effective antioxidants

We explain how to get the most out of them in your daily skin care routine.

Vitamin E

One of the best-known antioxidants for its great anti-aging power, thanks to its antioxidant action it directly helps protect cell membranes from the oxidation process due to harmful free radicals, the main causes of premature aging.

It is capable of delaying the appearance of expression lines and wrinkles. It protects the skin from environmental damage, such as UV rays, extreme climates, pollution... It is beneficial for acne, since by promoting collagen production it helps soften and conceal past acne marks.

An important fact about Vitamin E is that it is a good ally working in synergy with vitamin C, that is, a formula of any treatment that contains vitamins C and E can be doubly beneficial.

We have selected all of our products with Vitamin E Don't miss them!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the star of antioxidants that works by protecting us from free radical damage, promotes collagen synthesis, and also helps inhibit dark pigmentation, so it is also perfect for treating dark spots, and in case everything This was not enough, it improves the firmness and texture of the skin and helps to even out uneven tone, giving our skin an energizing dose of vitality and luminosity.

That is why research considers it an anti-aging superstar, approving that it reinforces the protective barrier, improves the repair process and reduces inflammation.

The Vitamin C It is found in all types of products, however, you will obtain the greatest benefit from this antioxidant in specific treatment products and serums thanks to its high concentrations of Vitamin C.

And for a step-by-step routine with Vitamin C, we'll give it to you!:

  1. First start with the cleaning step. Know the Cleansers with Vitamin C
  2. Then, for the next step, our powerful serums and Vitamin C concentrates at different concentrations, types and with unique formulations on the market.
  3. To follow the routine, moisturizing creams with Vitamin C
  4. You can continue with specific products such as eye contour with Vitamin C , and masks with Vitamin C
  5. Don't forget protector before leaving home, there is also sunscreens with Vitamin C , for complete and effective protection for your skin!


Great polyphenolic antioxidant found in red grapes, red wine, nuts and fruits such as cranberries and blueberries. It has a rejuvenating and firming action for our skin, making it a great ally to improve elasticity and firmness.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties: inflammation is one of the main causes of skin conditions such as acne, rosacea or eczema. It also has antibacterial properties, controlling the overproduction of sebum, improving oily and acneic skin.

An important fact about Resveratrol is that it is rich in Vitamin C, which is why it works very well protecting us from external damage and promoting collagen, avoiding all signs of premature aging.

There are many products with Resveratrol that you can find with great benefits, and if you are looking for a complete line with this antioxidant formulated with a powerful formulation, we recommend the line of Active Vegan Berry , a superpower for your skin.


Along with other retinoids, we have Retinol, a form of Vitamin A, present in our body and whose main function is cell renewal, one of the most important functions of our body to maintain eternally young skin. That is the reason why it cannot be missing from our list of antioxidants, and why it is popularly known as the anti-aging king of kings antioxidant.

Apart from stimulating cell renewal, it helps reduce acne, lighten spots, improve texture, promote collagen production and as a great antioxidant, protect against free radical damage, preventing signs of aging, revealing luminous and radiant skin. young.

Advice: New research shows that Retinol is helpful for people with rosacea, fighting the inflammation that causes persistent redness.

You can find serums and concentrates with Retinol both low and high concentration. If you want you can enter moisturizing creams with Retinol to maximize benefits. And don't forget that there are specific products with Retinol, such as eye contour and masks .

Green Tea

Green Tea is a super natural antioxidant that helps combat facial imperfections, being ideal for oily, acne-prone skin and those suffering from post-acne marks. It also contains vitamins C and E and is rich in polyphenols that help prevent cellular aging. , without forgetting that it helps reduce inflammation. For sensitive skin that has a tendency to redden, this ingredient helps calm and refresh the skin in a super comfortable way.

It is a great ally for when we really want to treat and care for our skin.

We have selected all the products with Green Tea for you, and if you have decided to treat your skin because you suffer from oily, acne-prone skin and also with sensitive skin factor, we recommend:


When we talk about treating the skin with antioxidants, remember the saying: “unity makes power.” When these antioxidants are combined together and reinforced with daily use of sunscreens and other antioxidants and skin-friendly ingredients… the results are truly spectacular! Of course, don't forget to include them in your food diet ;)