Do we know what the sunscreen symbols tell us?

Do we know what the sunscreen symbols tell us?

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We all know the importance of protecting the skin with SPF products. However, understanding the symbols and knowing how they work is more complex. Normally when buying a product we look at the labels, and in the case of sunscreen where we usually look is the SPF symbol, as the rest are usually more unfamiliar.

Today we explain the meaning of each symbol, how to choose the right protection for your skin and best of all, we will recommend the safest, most effective and sustainable sunscreens.

Let's get started!


It stands for Sun Protection Factor (SPF) and helps us to know the type of protection a sunscreen has against UVB ultraviolet radiation.

It also helps us to classify different levels of protection against UVB rays:

  • Very high: SPF 50+
  • High: SPF from 30 to 50
  • Medium: SPF from 15 to 30
  • Low: SPF less than 15

The sun protection factor (SPF) measures how much UVB protection a product provides to the skin. The higher the SPF the more it protects. A product containing SPF 30 will protect the skin from almost 97% of the sun's UVB rays (when applied generously). SPF is a guide to how long you can stay exposed to direct sunlight before your skin starts to burn.

To figure this out, normally if you burn after 10 minutes in the sun without protection, multiply this number by the SPF rating you are using. This is how long your sun protection will last. For example, if you burn after 10 minutes of unprotected sun exposure and you are using SPF 30, you will get 5 hours of sun protection (10 minutes x 30 = 5 hours).

These types of UV-B rays have a shorter wavelength, penetrate less deeply into the skin and are responsible for superficial sunburn, erythema and redness.

SPF is not an indication of high protection against these UVA rays, but only against UVB rays.


 On the other hand, UV-A rays have a wider wavelength with the ability to penetrate deeper layers of the skin, breaking down collagen, elastin and activating melanocytes found in the innermost layer of the epidermis. They are responsible for premature photo-aging and hyper-pigmentation spots.   

We already know that the SPF refers to protection against UVB ultraviolet rays, but it does not ensure protection against UVA rays, so we must look at the UVA symbol, which is sometimes found in 3 different nomenclatures:

  1. UVA (inside a circle): When we see this graphic symbol (UVA around a circle) it indicates that our sunscreen protects at least 30% of the value indicated by the SPF against UVA rays, this 30% is the minimum recommended by European regulations.
  2. UVA (circle with 5 stars): Now you're talking! If on your sunscreen you find the acronym UVA around a circle with 5 stars (UK Boots test), it means that these sunscreens have a reinforced UVA protection, reaching a protection of 90% of the SPF value, providing a much higher protection than the minimum recommended, which is the UVA symbol inside the circle. If your skin is prone to hyper-pigmentation, if you suffer from vitiligo, if you have sensitive skin or if you simply want enhanced protection, always look for this symbol!
  3. UVA (represented as PA+++++): There is another nomenclature to show a protection against UVA rays, it is the symbol PA (Protection Grade of UVA) and the Japanese measurement system, it is also classified into:
    1. Very high: PA++++
    2. High: PA+++
    3. Average: PA++
    4. Low: PA+


When choosing a sunscreen, its level of resistance must be taken into account. This is indicated by:

Waterproof or Very Water Resistant: This term indicates that the sunscreen maintains its protection capacity after 4 baths of 20 minutes in water (80 min).

In this case, after 80 minutes we must renew its application, as long as we have not dried ourselves with the towel after one of these baths, on the contrary, we must reapply it immediately.

Water Resistant: The sunscreen maintains its protection capacity after 2 baths of 20 minutes (40 min).

In this case, after 40 minutes we must renew its application, as long as we have not dried ourselves with the towel after one of these baths, on the contrary, we must reapply it immediately.

Although sunscreens offer water resistance and this is a plus, and very useful for people who practice outdoor sports, or people who have sweating problems, we recommend reapplying the sunscreen after each bath, or drying with a towel.


At International Cosmetic, 90% of our sunscreens are UVA reinforced. We have selected some of them for you:

  • 5α Control No-sebum Sun Lotion SPF50+ of Dr. Ceuraclewith non-irritating mineral filters, matte effect, oil free and non-comedogenic, with a completely liquid texture that leaves no white or dense residue on the skin.
  • Cica Regen Vegan Sun SPF50+ of Dr. Ceuraclewith Centella Asiatica and a very light texture that soothes and reduces redness in the most sensitive skins.

And finally, we already know that it is not necessary to use body sunscreen for the face, as those for the face are specially designed to ensure good tolerance for each type of skin.

So don't forget to choose your body sunscreens for this summer!