Coconut oil

Coconut oil

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Coconut oil, like many non-aromatic vegetable oils has some fabulous benefits for dry skin. Recently, coconut oil has been touted as a solution for everything from acne to replacing sunscreen (!!!!).

Let's take a look at what this moisturizing ingredient can (and can't) do to your skin.

What Exactly is Coconut Oil and What are its Benefits?

Coconut oil is a common cosmetic ingredient, found in hundreds of hair conditioning products and facial moisturizers. When used on its own or when mixed in a skin care product, coconut oil is an excellent moisturizing ingredient for dry skin. In aesthetic terms, coconut oil is similar to mineral oil, although coconut oil is much more likely to deteriorate more easily from exposure to air and light due to its fatty acid content (

Coconut oil is a non-volatile oil from the nut of the plant. "Non-volatile" means it is not a fragrance/essential oil and has a low risk of irritating the skin. Coconut oil is a moderately rich source of fatty acids, also known as medium chain triglycerides.

We may have heard rumors that coconut oil can work as a natural sunscreen (!!!) and is beneficial for acne treatment. Let's take a closer look at these claims.

Does Coconut Oil Really Treat Acne?

All reports of using pure (meaning unrefined) coconut oil to cure acne are anecdotal, which means we only have other people's experience, not solid research to go on.

However, there is one study showing that lauric acid, the main fatty acid in coconut oil, has anti-bacterial activity against the strain of acne bacteria, officially known as Propioni acne bacteria, or P. acne for short. Although one study is not all there is to go on and this research did not show that lauric acid reduces or eliminates acne, it is still interesting.

It appears that when lauric acid from coconut oil is applied to the skin through liposomes (an ingredient delivery system), it fuses with the cell membrane of acne-causing bacteria, where it then releases its fatty acid as the liposome dissolves, killing the acne-causing bacteria (Source: Biomaterials, 2009).

This is not the same as applying pure coconut oil to the skin, for example, at no point in the study does it refer to topical application of coconut oil (lauric acid only), or whether pure oil would produce similar results in acne. We also have to consider that not everyone who has acne benefits from topical anti-bacterial treatments based on their research. This is why there are so many acne treatment options.

To some extent, the idea of using coconut oil for acne has a "tipping point" offering a possibility, since at its core, acne is an inflammatory disorder. Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides (fatty acids) that have an anti-inflammatory benefit.

On the other hand, despite the potential benefits of coconut oil, some fatty acids have the opposite effect, potentially worsening acne breakouts. Instead of using pure coconut oil, consider other products that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients much more appropriate for all such skin types (as well as following their application methods for maximum benefits).

Is Coconut Oil a Natural Sunscreen?

Coconut oil has a growing reputation as a natural ingredient that can be used instead of the usual sunscreen, but don't fall for it. Some health websites advise consumers to apply extra-virgin (with minimal processing) coconut oil instead of sunscreen because it has been used by Pacific Islanders for "thousands of years". This has been misinterpreted to mean that the function of coconut oil is the same as that of a sunscreen.

We could go on and on about how ridiculous and dangerous this suggestion is (which is why folklore and anecdotal evidence cannot be truthful compared to scientific research that proves the facts), but we'll save you the time with this brief summary: There is no scientific evidence that coconut oil protects the skin against sun damage, none, zero, none at all. You may choose to follow the lead of some well-intentioned natural websites, but we assure you that your skin will be at risk.

If you want to use coconut oil, extra virgin, cold-pressed or not, for dry skin improvement or to add a sexy glow to your legs, go for it. But if your skin is exposed to UV light, you'll need to top it with a well-formulated sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher to make sure you're really protecting your skin.  


Coconut oil, like many non-aromatic vegetable oils, is a wonderful ingredient for adding moisture to dry skin.

Although it lacks the sophisticated repairing and antioxidant functions to heal damaged skin (or function as an "anti-aging" ingredient), it is an ideal choice for the cold winter months by applying a few drops of the oil to your regular moisturizer.

Directions for use: Try warming a small amount in the palm of your hands and then mix it with your SPF-free moisturizer or serum (or simply apply directly to the skin when needed, under your day or night moisturizer).