What is the difference between a BB cream, CC cream or DD Cream?

What is the difference between a BB cream, CC cream or DD Cream?

Migrations |

If you've been reading fashion magazines or shopping for cosmetics lately, you've probably heard or seen something about a new group of products called BB cream, CC cream, or even DD cream. And we don't mean bra sizes!

Not surprisingly, many of you have asked us if the claims made about these products are true. Who wouldn't want to know if these creams can do everything they claim to do, from treating pigmentation spots, eliminating acne breakouts, brightening the skin, eliminating dark circles under the eyes, to fighting the dreaded wrinkles?

What are BB cream, CC cream or DD cream? What is the difference between them and can any of them, regardless of their initials, generate a skin benefit? The research team at International Cosmetic reveals the truth (and a bit of history) about this latest makeup trend!

BB creams, an almost unbelievable makeup trend

They were developed in Germany, the initials "BB", originally stood for "benefit balm". They first became known in Korea and then became a necessity in much of Asia. When these products began to appear in the U.S. market, they came to be called "beauty balms." The main selling point of all BB creams is that they provide some coverage similar to a foundation along with some additional benefits, such as sun protection and anti-aging ingredients. An all-in-one for everyday use.

BB creams from Asian and Western companies are not the same. Asian BB creams tend to be quite thick, with higher levels of Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide for greater UV protection and create a whiter appearance on the skin. In contrast, most Western BB creams are more moisturizing with light color and the sun protection factor may or may not contain mineral actives.

What about the additional benefits that BB creams claim to have? That largely depends on their individual formula. While some contain a good cocktail of antioxidants and sunscreens, there are other BB creams that we should avoid.

CC Cream, a copy of BB Cream?

CC-creams are not so different from their sisters - BB-creams. The initials CC usually stand for "color" and "correction". What makes CC creams more unique is that they provide greater coverage than BB creams, as well as providing skin benefits (such as reduced redness or skin blemishes).

The truth? Any well-formulated fluid or cream foundation provides the same color correction and many contain skin-friendly ingredients too!

DD Cream, the latest hybrids to hit the market

At the moment there aren't many of them loose out there...!
"DD" stands for "daily protection" or "all-in-one", depending on which company sells the product, DD creams are supposed to provide more coverage than BB creams, but with more skin benefits than CC creams (specifically anti-aging benefits).

Are BB cream, CC cream and DD cream essential products?

The most straightforward answer is "no." The best part is that they may be convenient products for people looking for an all-in-one, but the reality is that there is nothing particularly revolutionary or special about them. Most are tinted moisturizers or lightweight foundations dressed up with a new name designed to get more people to buy them.

The best ones add some beneficial ingredients, but this is certainly not the case for all of them, regardless of their initials. Remember to look critically at the list of ingredients and don't be seduced by the tempting claims!