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Melatonin Oral Spray

15,64€ 18,40€
Innovative food supplement with melatonin and vitamin B6 in the form of an oral spray for easy and precise dosage and excellent absorption, which begins already in the oral cavity. The product contains natural blackcurrant aroma for great taste, is sugar-free and contains xylitol, making it suitable for use just before bed.
Flavor: black currant
Presentation: 25 ml
Recommended daily dose: 1 spray
For 125 days.
Size: 25 ml
Recommended Routine INFO



Active ingredients (in 1 spray): melatonin: 0.33 mg, vitamin B6: 1.4 mg (100% VAT*). *VAT - recommended daily intake
Ingredients: purified water, thickeners: xylitol (25%) and xanthan gum, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), natural black currant flavor, melatonin, preservative: potassium sorbate.
The product is free of sugar, gluten, alcohol, lactose, artificial colors and flavors. It is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Mode of employment


Instructions for use: Shake well before use. When using for the first time, press the spray 3 times to start the action. Dispense the contents directly into the mouth. The recommended daily dose for adults is 1 spray just before bedtime.
The efficacy of melatonin depends on the natural levels of melatonin in the body and the sensitivity of melatonin receptors, which differ from person to person. Therefore, lower doses are effective for some, while others require higher daily doses. With age, the sensitivity of melatonin receptors decreases.
Conservation: Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature up to 25 °C. Use within 6 months after opening.
Security: The melatonin content in the recommended daily doses is safe for consumption and is the only one on the Slovenian market in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Agency for Medicines and Health Products, which allows a melatonin dose of up to 0.44 mg in food supplements. Doses between 0.1 and 0.3 have been clinically proven to be effective, while not exceeding the concentrations normally present in the human body during the night. Doses higher than 1 mg do not necessarily lead to better performance, but may cause side effects such as changes in the night-day rhythm, etc.
Warnings: The product is intended only for healthy adults. It should not be taken by children and adolescents under 18 years of age, or by pregnant or lactating women. If you feel drowsy or dizzy after taking this product, do not drive or operate machinery. It is not recommended to drive or operate machinery within five hours of taking melatonin. Take the dietary supplement according to the natural day-night rhythm of endogenous melatonin, i.e. after dark, as close as possible to the usual bedtime.
Since there are insufficient data on long-term safety, it is recommended to take melatonin only occasionally.
Taking melatonin is not recommended for people suffering from any inflammatory or autoimmune disease, epilepsy, asthma, mood, behavioral or personality disorders, or those taking any medication, unless they consult a physician before taking it. It is not recommended to take melatonin in combination with synthetic or natural substances that have sedative or hypnotic properties.


What is jet lag and how does melatonin help?

Jet lag is an English term for which there is (still) no Slovenian term. It is associated with feelings after long trips, during which we change time zones: a long flight and the transfer to another time zone alters our biological rhythm. When it is daytime, we sleep like this, but when it is nighttime, we are awake and cannot fall asleep.
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) allows the following statement for food supplements containing 0.5 mg melatonin in a daily dose: "Melatonin contributes to the relief of subjective sensations due to jet lag when traveling by air."
What may be the causes of sleep problems?

One of the most common causes of sleep problems is stress and worries, but often the culprit is shift work (e.g., night work), which affects the sleep-wake rhythm. Sleep problems can also be related to age, medications, medical conditions, travel to other time zones, etc. When it comes to sleep problems, we can get caught in this vicious cycle: when sleepless nights pile up, the mere fact that bedtime is approaching is stressful. In case of long-term problems, which are not only related to current stressful situations, it is advisable to consult a specialist.
What is the circadian rhythm?

The circadian rhythm is a characteristic of all living beings and is a way of adapting to the environment. It is a 24-hour cycle to which all living beings are subjected and is linked to the alternation of day and night.
In humans, the circadian rhythm is innate and genetically determined. It regulates numerous processes in the human body (e.g. body temperature, hormone secretion, blood pressure, sleep and wakefulness, digestion...). Depending on the time of day, different processes occur in our body due to the circadian rhythm, e.g. at night (when it is time to sleep) our body temperature drops and certain hormones are secreted (e.g. melatonin), during the day the temperature rises, other hormones are secreted...
What are sleep disorders?

Sleep disorders are any sleep problem other than just insomnia. Sleep disorders also include breathing disorders during sleep (apnea...), excessive daytime sleepiness, parasomnias (events during sleep such as walking, nightmares, talking, etc.). Sleep disorders are often long-term problems for which it is also important to seek professional help.
Why is the recommended daily dose of Valens Melatonin only 0.33 mg?

Most food supplements on the market contain higher doses of melatonin, i.e. 1 mg or more. At Valens, however, we have decided on a lower dose based on the recommendation of the Public Agency for Medicines and Health Products and a careful review of studies and literature. JAZMP determines the maximum allowable dose of melatonin in food supplements, i.e. 0.44 mg. Higher doses have a significant effect on other physiological processes in the body and may also cause side effects. Oral doses of 0.1 to 0.3 mg of melatonin do not exceed the concentrations normally present during the night. Doses that stimulate the physiological levels of melatonin in the body are already effective without causing side effects.
How can I help myself if I have trouble sleeping?

Before resorting to various aids, it is advisable to reflect on the causes of the lack of sleep and to try to solve at least those of psychological origin (stress, worries...). Otherwise, the following tips may be useful:
  • Always go to bed and get up at the same time: biological rhythm is a very important factor.
  • During the day, be as active as possible, spend a lot of time outdoors.
  • The room where you sleep should be dark, cool and quiet.
  • Do not eat or drink too much before going to bed and, at the same time, do not go to bed hungry or thirsty.
  • Be moderate with coffee and other energy drinks.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
What is the relationship between darkness and melatonin?

Melatonin starts to form in our brain as soon as it starts to get dark outside: this is also how our body receives the signal that night is approaching. The darker it gets, the more melatonin our brain produces, so the highest natural concentration of melatonin is between 2 and 4 a.m. Light, on the other hand, inhibits the formation of melatonin. Light, on the other hand, inhibits its formation.
The problem arises due to the modern way of life: television, computer and other sources of artificial light affect melatonin production, as well as night work that disturbs the natural rhythm of sleep, travel abroad, etc.


Melatonin Oral Spray

Valens Melatonin is an innovative food supplement with melatonin and vitamin B6. The oral spray form allows for easy and precise dosing, and is also an excellent alternative for those who do not wish to take capsules or tablets. The product contains 0.33 mg of melatonin in one spray, which is a concentration that does not exceed that normally present in the body at night.
The product has an excellent black currant flavor. Since it is sugar-free and contains xylitol, it can also be consumed right before bed. Thanks to its convenient packaging, the product is an excellent companion on travel, especially on trips abroad, which often cause jet-lag.
Valens Melatonin does not contain sugar, gluten, alcohol, lactose, artificial colors or flavors. It is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
The role of melatonin in the body
Melatonin is the body's own hormone, which our brain produces naturally before and during sleep. Its concentration is highest at night, which is why it is also known as the "night hormone." Melatonin secretion begins as soon as it begins to get dark. Darkness favors its formation, light inhibits it.
Due to the fast pace of life, stress, shift work and modern lifestyle, melatonin production is often altered, which has a strong impact on quality of life. Melatonin is mostly available in the form of medications, but recently it has also appeared in nutritional supplements.
Melatonin dosage
The effectiveness of melatonin depends on the natural levels of melatonin in the body and the sensitivity of melatonin receptors, which differ between people. Therefore, lower doses are effective for some, while others require higher daily doses. With age, the sensitivity of melatonin receptors decreases.
The melatonin content of our oral spray is completely safe for consumption. As one of the few on the Slovenian market, the product meets the recommendations of the Public Agency for Medicines and Health Products, which allows a melatonin dosage of up to 0.44 mg in dietary supplements. Doses between 0.1 and 0.3 have been clinically shown to be effective, while not exceeding the concentrations normally present in the human body at night. Doses above 1 mg do not necessarily lead to better performance, but may cause side effects such as changes in night-day rhythm, etc.
Melatonin Oral Spray by Valens

Melatonin Oral Spray

15,64€ 18,40€

Melatonin Oral Spray

Valens Melatonin is an innovative food supplement with melatonin and vitamin B6. The oral spray form allows for easy and precise dosing, and is also an excellent alternative for those who do not wish to take capsules or tablets. The product contains 0.33 mg of melatonin in one spray, which is a concentration that does not exceed that normally present in the body at night.
The product has an excellent black currant flavor. Since it is sugar-free and contains xylitol, it can also be consumed right before bed. Thanks to its convenient packaging, the product is an excellent companion on travel, especially on trips abroad, which often cause jet-lag.
Valens Melatonin does not contain sugar, gluten, alcohol, lactose, artificial colors or flavors. It is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
The role of melatonin in the body
Melatonin is the body's own hormone, which our brain produces naturally before and during sleep. Its concentration is highest at night, which is why it is also known as the "night hormone." Melatonin secretion begins as soon as it begins to get dark. Darkness favors its formation, light inhibits it.
Due to the fast pace of life, stress, shift work and modern lifestyle, melatonin production is often altered, which has a strong impact on quality of life. Melatonin is mostly available in the form of medications, but recently it has also appeared in nutritional supplements.
Melatonin dosage
The effectiveness of melatonin depends on the natural levels of melatonin in the body and the sensitivity of melatonin receptors, which differ between people. Therefore, lower doses are effective for some, while others require higher daily doses. With age, the sensitivity of melatonin receptors decreases.
The melatonin content of our oral spray is completely safe for consumption. As one of the few on the Slovenian market, the product meets the recommendations of the Public Agency for Medicines and Health Products, which allows a melatonin dosage of up to 0.44 mg in dietary supplements. Doses between 0.1 and 0.3 have been clinically shown to be effective, while not exceeding the concentrations normally present in the human body at night. Doses above 1 mg do not necessarily lead to better performance, but may cause side effects such as changes in night-day rhythm, etc.
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