What does it mean to have uneven skin tone?

What does it mean to have uneven skin tone?

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What is uneven skin tone?

Let's start by explaining what the term "uneven skin tone" means. This term is used to generally describe certain skin imperfections, such as hyper-pigmentation, redness, broken capillaries, peeling, wrinkles, dark circles...

All these imperfections cause uneven skin tone, moving it further and further away from a uniform tone and as a result we obtain skin dyschromia due to creating color alterations in the skin, as a result of spots and redness. Also, there are other problems that do not affect color, but do affect irregularities, such as wrinkles or post-acne scars, generally perceiving older and less healthy skin.

Causes that influence uneven skin tone

  • Sun damage, one of the most common causes, due to damage from UV rays, the skin produces more melanin, causing the dreaded dark spots to appear and influencing premature aging with the appearance of wrinkles and a dull tone.
  • Hyperpigmentation, other types of spots, Melasma or Chloasma, due to hormonal changes, as a result of medication intake or pregnancy. They appear large and symmetrical, giving a very uneven tone to the skin.
  • Acne, another of the most common causes due to the appearance not only of reddish or brown spots that can sometimes become irregularities such as scars and marks.
  • Conditions such as rosacea, dermatitis or eczema are causes of uneven skin tone, and also cause irregularities resulting in flaky skin.

How can we even out skin tone?

If we want to free ourselves from the uneven tone and imperfections that have appeared over the years, the key is to use products with formulations based on specific ingredients that give us visible results, helping us to even out the tone and show off young, healthy skin. .

Some of the most effective active ingredients are antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E, also Ferulic Acid, Niacinamide, Glutathione, through brightening agents such as Arbutin, Kojic Acid, and without forgetting Azelaic Acid, exfoliating acids such as Glycolic, Phytic, Mandelic Acid and the great transformers such as Retinoids.

We recommend products with specific active ingredients to treat uneven tone and imperfections. With which you can achieve incredible results!

Key Products

During the day Products with Vitamin C since it provides us with antioxidant benefits that help collagen synthesis, lighten spots, and provide wonderful luminosity to improve dull and uneven tone. We highlight concentrated serums such as: Tri Vita C30 if you are looking for a super powerful serum combined with 30% Vitamin C combined with Vitamin E and Ferulic Acid, with the ability to regenerate dermal tissue. Ideal for treating hyper pigmentation, wrinkles and even post-acne spots.

At night use products with Retinol or Retinal. They are the transformers to renew the skin and make it look firm, free of imperfections, reduce wrinkles and also ideal for fading spots.

Using Moisturizing Cream to maintain good hydration is a basic step in the routine since it is the basis for the skin to function optimally and improve tone and texture, incorporating said specific ingredients and active ingredients.

To achieve uniform skin, exfoliation is essential as part of our routine. Using hydroxy acid-based exfoliants to remove accumulated dead cells and unclog enlarged pores and blackheads is essential for our skin to function healthily, renew itself and provide luminosity. You will only have to adapt them to your skin type and needs.

Using Sunscreen is essential, protecting yourself from the sun is a decisive factor when we talk about evening out skin tone. We remind you that the lack of protection is one of the biggest consequences of many skin problems such as hyperpigmentation. Spots are linked to premature aging and sun damage causing redness and irritation. If you are looking for tinted sunscreens, it is perfect when it comes to its dual function, one of protecting against UV rays and slightly covering imperfections thanks to the pigments and optical diffusers to achieve instantly homogeneous skin.

If uneven tone is a cause of redness

Whether it is caused by rosacea, couperose, broken capillaries, irritation or it is simply your natural skin tone, or due to some post-medical treatment, and you are looking for products that help reduce redness and achieve an even tone, we recommend products with properties soothing, protective and acting as vessel constrictors, for example for couperose or broken capillaries.

We have K ceutic that helps reduce redness thanks to vitamin K, and with SPF protection factor

Spectra which is ideal for skin that presents rosacea, irritation, redness and inflammatory processes.

The PLC Vita K Liposome Oil serum formulated with oil-soluble Vitamin K and a Phito-vitamin K complex that is maximally effective in evening out skin tone that combats vascular imperfections, such as bruises and dark circles, by improving blood circulation.

For intensive and specific treatments

Mela Cream is the most specific treatment to treat hyper-pigmentation spots, melasma or sun spots.

If you are worried about oily skin and post-acne marks or spots, Dual+ is a specific and effective treatment.

Tips for healthy habits

We must help the skin with products that help us achieve our goals, however, daily healthy habits are also decisive, giving our skin hours of sleep, drinking water to provide it with hydration, a good diet and not smoking, are extras to look good. bright and healthy skin in less time.