Glycolic Acid Why should you use it?

Glycolic Acid Why should you use it?

Maria Teresa Moneo

Glycolic Acid is an active ingredient that belongs to the group of Alphahydroxy Acids or AHAs . It is mainly used as an exfoliant, eliminating dead skin cells and also helps promote the natural renewal of our skin.

There are different types of AHAs, also including Lactic, Malic, Citric, Tartaric Acid, among others, however, Glycolic Acid is undoubtedly the best known and most used in formulation, because it is the one with the most scientific research demonstrating its effectiveness. We can find it alone or in formulations together with other acids and active ingredients in general.

But what is the reason why we should use it?

Daily environmental damage + the passage of time are external and internal factors that damage and reduce the natural renewal capacity of our skin as it used to, let's say that it is a natural mechanism of our body that becomes slower with time. years. At birth our cellular renewal (from the moment the dermal cell is born until it reaches the surface is approximately 15 days, from the age of 30 it decreases, giving a renewal of approximately 90 days at the age of 60). This leads to an accumulation of dead cells in the skin, resulting in dull, thickened skin, with imperfections, lack of luminosity, and aged skin.

Incorporating Glycolic Acid into our routine is as essential as it is important to maintain young, vibrant and radiant skin now and in the future.

Benefits of Glycolic Acid.

Glycolic Acid acts in the stratum corneum of the epidermis by dissolving dead cells on the surface, so one of its benefits is to help our skin renew itself more quickly and optimally, revealing brighter and firmer skin.

This type of exfoliation treats spots, uneven tone, combats dull skin, reduces wrinkles and expression lines, and is even ideal for combination and oily skin as it helps reduce acne, prevent blackheads and refine enlarged pores. .

Another benefit that we have not talked about is the size of its molecules, they are so small that they allow them to penetrate the skin very well until they reach the deepest layers, generating a stimulus of hyaluronic acid (water), filling the deep layers.

Glycolic Acid is naturally extracted from sugar cane, and can be a good option, however, it is most effective when synthesized in the laboratory, where its potency and concentration are optimized for use in skin care, for a greater effectiveness, purity and pH stability of the formula, as the pH value increases, the active concentration of Glycolic Acid decreases and thus its effectiveness.

Is Glycolic Acid right for me?

There are some important points that we must pay attention to.

  1. The concentration percentage
  2. The pH value with which the product is formulated
  3. With other acids or active ingredients it is formulated, the synergy of ingredients is important, depending on the objectives to be treated.

If you have never applied Glycolic Acid before, it is recommended to start with a low concentration (e.g. 5%) and as our skin gets used to it, gradually increase the concentration. This alpha-hydroxy acid is a photosensitizer, so it is advisable to always use it at night.

In what products can you find them?

The time has come to choose! Products with Glycolic Acid

You can find cleansers with Glycolic Acid , ideal solutions to keep the skin free of impurities, dissolve dead cells while we clean our skin.

We have the most cutting-edge leave -in Glycolic Acid toners that you can't miss, thanks to their great results.

If you consider yourself a regular user of this active ingredient, serums with Glycolic Acid are a must-have in your beauty routine, they are a before and after for your skin.

You cannot miss the moment of hydration at night, if you want a moisturizing cream with Glycolic Acid , they are ideal to give a perfect dose to your skin and wake up with luminous and rejuvenated skin.

And for those who always want more, we have exfoliants with Glycolic Acid and masks with Glycolic Acid , as an option to incorporate specific products for advanced routines.

Today's conclusion

With Glycolic Acid you will help your skin look like new , treating all signs of aging and improving texture, thus obtaining skin free of imperfections, luminous, young and healthy.

Furthermore, incorporating Glycolic Acid into our routine will make a difference in achieving the goal and result we want to achieve on our skin.

One thing you should know once you apply it, especially the first few times, is that you may notice a slight itching, tingling or heat, but you should be calm, it is a natural and normal reaction of the active ingredient itself, that means that it is acting and it is a sensation that lasts only a few seconds.

And the usual advice is: don't forget to apply sunscreen every morning .