The best acne treatments

The best acne treatments

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Today we recommend the best treatments with key ingredients to treat acne based on different needs.

But before....

What is acne and how does it occur?

Acne is an inflammatory disease that affects the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles due to an overproduction of sebum obstructing the duct through which the sebum should be eliminated naturally, resulting in inflammation due to the accumulation of excess oil, being the perfect place for the appearance of bacteria, as these feed on the sebum itself.

One of the best known is Cutibacterium Acnes, a bacterium that is naturally present in our sebaceous glands as part of the balance of the skin microbiome, and which is part of the optimal functioning of the skin. When we suffer from acne the skin microbiome becomes unbalanced due to the appearance and development of more bacteria altering the natural balance.

Acneic skin is not only suffered in puberty in a large percentage of young people, but it can also occur in adulthood considered from the age of 25 years being more and more prone due to all the factors that we are exposed.

Acne comes from various casuistry, factors such as stress, hormonal changes, type of diet, smoking, use of cosmetics with unsuitable formulations, pollution, climate, excessive intake of sol.....

When we suffer from acne, our first need is to consult a medical specialist to treat it, as it not only affects the health of our skin, but we also have to deal with the emotional impact.

Acneic skin reveals an irregular texture and imperfections due to dilated and clogged pores, pimples, blackheads, blackheads, papules and sometimes even cysts, which in many cases create infections causing acneic lesions, such as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation leading to inflamed red spots, or post-acneic brown spots, which can become much more serious skin lesions and scars.

How do we treat it?

It is always important to follow the recommendations made by medical professionals, to evaluate the type of acne, whether it is mild or severe and thus maintain the recommended guidelines.

 Two great qualities to develop are patience and discipline, as they will help us to consistently follow the right guidelines, follow the recommended treatments to the end and maintain basic daily care routines if we want to reduce acne and achieve healthy skin.

We must flee from:

  • Poor diet and smoking, which do not help us to achieve a good natural oxygenation of our skin.
  • Do not use comedogenic cosmetics or make-up as they clog pores.
  • Do not touch the pimples, since the fact of exploding or touching them in an unprofessional way the only thing we can achieve is to infect contiguous follicles and spread the bacteria.

Suitable products with specific active ingredients


Facial cleansing morning and night is a must. Using Cleansers with Salicylic Acid will help to keep our skin clean and reduce imperfections such as pores, blackheads and excess oil.

Another option is, when we want to maintain a balanced skin microbiota or suffer from irritative acne, to include Cleansers formulated with active ingredients that help restore the skin microbiome, using Cleansers rich in probiotics such as Strawberry + Probiotic Balancing Gel Cleanser or Pro Balance Pure Cleansing Oil and Pro Balance Creamy Cleansing Foam.

Exfoliants and masks

Also active ingredients with exfoliating action such as beta hydroxy acids together with alpha hydroxy acids, adapted to every need, have become key non-invasive and effective products to eliminate impurities and acne outbreaks thanks to their comedolytic and keratolytic properties, which help to minimize the appearance of pimples and impurities, eliminate blemishes and fade marks.

Now the Toners Exfoliants without rinsing, are giving much to talk about because they are easy to apply and super effective in results, essential to minimize the appearance of pimples and impurities. We have Cheer Up Salicylic and Mandelic based, a perfect team to work even post-acne spots.

We also recommend the use of masks for an intensive treatment:

  • If you have combination - oily skin with enlarged pores, the most powerful and effective mask is Mask 15
  • If you have acne-prone, irritated and sensitive skin, we recommend the Volcanic Mask.

Serum and Moisturizers

If you have enlarged pores and blackheads you can't pass up Porefectly Clear and Liquid Clarity serums based on Salicylic Acid, super potent to help minimize and cleanse the most dilated pores and blackheads.

Keeping the skin hydrated is essential, we recommend the specific line of Tea Tree Purifine, a line of care to combat acne outbreaks thanks to the high concentration of Tea Tree with anti-inflammatory properties.

The 5α Control line is a specific line to control excess sebum ideal for combination and oily skin.

Silver Lining Dioic & Willowherb Blemish Treatment is a moisturizer with high treatment potential thanks to Dioic Acid, Willowherb Extract, Zinc PCA and Silver, a breakthrough in efficacy to treat acne breakouts and inflammation, helping to fade brown and red spots from past acne.

Sun Protection

We should also include a sunscreen specifically formulated for oily and acne-prone skin with sebum regulating and sebum production control technology such as 5α Control No-sebum Sun Lotion SPF50+, or if your skin is acne-prone and you want to blur imperfections, Tea Tree Purifine Green Up Sun SPF50+ sunscreen is ideal thanks to its greenish base to cover redness on the spot.