Does your facial skin tone match your Santa suit?

Does your facial skin tone match your Santa suit?

Maria Teresa Moneo

Rosacea is a vascular disorder, which means that it affects the blood circulation and veins. It usually affects people over the age of thirty, but can also appear in their early twenties or later in life around their seventies or eighties.

Causes of Rosacea

This condition begins with the appearance of redness on the nose and cheeks. At first it comes and goes, but over time it becomes more persistent and in some patients it spreads from the nose to the cheeks in a butterfly shape. Dilated capillaries begin to appear through the skin, followed by swelling and a thickening of the connective tissue and sebaceous glands. Reddish bumps (papules) break out from time to time and sometimes fill with pus (pustules). It is very important not to confuse these symptoms with acne. They appear most frequently on the nose which, due to thickening of the connective tissue and sebaceous glands, becomes enlarged, deformed and bulbous in appearance. This symptom of rosacea affects almost exclusively male patients.

At first, rosacea appears only occasionally on the face, but later it becomes more and more frequent. The cause of this disorder is still unknown, but a combination of several hereditary and environmental factors is presumed to be to blame.

Signs of Rosacea

Signs and symptoms of rosacea can include redness of the face, most often in the central part of the face, while small veins in the nose and cheeks often enlarge and become visible, swollen red bumps. Many patients develop bumps on the face that resemble acne, sometimes filled with pus, and eye problems: about half of rosacea patients also deal with dry eyes, irritation and redness of the eyelids. Some patients first develop eye-related symptoms, which are then followed by rosacea. In addition, rosacea is most commonly accompanied by couperose, the main symptoms of which are dilated capillaries.

Rosacea Treatment

Although there is no cure for rosacea, there are treatments that can control and reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease. They most often include a combination of certain prescription medications and certain lifestyle changes. Although rosacea is not caused by bacteria, treatment often includes antibiotics that have an anti-inflammatory effect. They may be administered in the form of pills or creams, gels or lotions for use on damaged skin to prevent further spread. Metronidazole, azelaic acid and ivermectin are also commonly used. Metronidazole and ivermectin is the increasingly used choice because it fights the Demodex mite, whose two species, D. folliculorum and D. brevis, live within the pilosebaceous units of human skin, feed on sebum and dead cells and cause immune reaction of the dermis leading to the progression of rosacea symptoms.

Rosacea is a chronic and progressive vascular disease and no cream can make it disappear for good. However, proper skin care and certain products containing soothing ingredients can relieve symptoms and will no longer irritate the skin if rosacea is not in its acute phase. During the day, the skin should be protected by a mild SPF, as UV radiation is a major trigger of inflammation in skin suffering from rosacea.

See products for rosacea